The house where Yataro Iwasaki was born is located in Aki, Kochi.
He is the founder of the Mitsubishi Group.
Logo mark of Mitsubishi on the wall of the warehouse
The family crests of the Tosa feudal lord and the Iwasakis are the
original design of the Mitsubishi Group.
The family crest on the roof tile
The garden of Yataro’s house
He was born here in 1834.
He was very intelligent and had a big dream.
The outside of his residence
Otemon, the main gate, with the donjon in the background
Tsume-mon which has a corridor that connects Honmaru and Ninomaru
Ranma above the fusuma sliding doors shows great waves.
This main hall is located next to the donjon.
The official meeting room with an elevated floor is only for
the feudal lord. Behind the sliding doors on the left, there
is a secret hidden room for guarding-samurai.
On the end of the rooftop, there is a heavy ridge-end tile like this.
View from the top of the castle donjon
Kurogane-mon, the Iron Gate
Many iron plates were nailed on the doors.
Ishi-otoshi, device for dropping stones against intruders
Ishi-otoshi and Shinobi-gaeshi, device for keeping intruders off
The donjon of the 240-thousand-koku castle in Tosa Province
Kinmedai, Splendid alfonsino, were being unloaded in a fishing port in Kochi.
The Aki family, local powerful clan, governed this district and built this castle in
the14th century. Kunitora Aki, the last lord, commited suicide in a temple after
a fierce battle with Chosokabe.
This is designated as a Cultural Property of Kochi Prefecture.
Tempura-bukkake Udon
They don’t use any chemical seasonings at all at Ishikawa’s.
Nikujiru Udon
You dip noodle in the soup which is flavored with carrot, burdock and beef.